Poland and Lithuania say Ukraine deserves EU candidate status due to ‘current security challenges’

Ukraine deserves European Union candidate status, and Poland and Lithuania will support it in this goal, the presidents of the two countries said in a joint declaration with the Ukrainian president on Wednesday. “We emphasize that, given the significant progress in the implementation of the Association Agreement and internal reforms, as well as the currentContinue reading “Poland and Lithuania say Ukraine deserves EU candidate status due to ‘current security challenges’”

Ukraine starts drafting reservists aged 18-60 after president’s order

Ukraine on Wednesday has started conscripting reservists aged 18-60 following a decree by President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the armed forces said in a statement. The maximum service period is one year. Zelenskiy on Tuesday said he was introducing the conscription of reservists but ruled out a general mobilisation after Russia announced it was moving troops intoContinue reading “Ukraine starts drafting reservists aged 18-60 after president’s order”

Japan announces sanctions on Russia after Ukraine crisis escalation – DW News Asia

The US, the EU and Japan have all taken steps to restrict Russia’s capacity to borrow on international markets. “We’ve cut off Russia’s government from Western financing,” Biden said. “It can no longer raise money from the West and cannot trade in its new debt on our markets or European markets either.” Von der LeyenContinue reading “Japan announces sanctions on Russia after Ukraine crisis escalation – DW News Asia”

Russia now has right to build military bases in eastern Ukraine – treaties

Russia has acquired the right to build military bases in Ukraine’s two breakaway regions under treaties signed by President Vladimir Putin with their separatist leaders. Putin on Monday officially recognised the two breakaway regions – the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic – as independent statelets, defying Western warnings that such aContinue reading “Russia now has right to build military bases in eastern Ukraine – treaties”

Russia accuses Ukraine of attempted border breach – Al Jazeera

Russia’s military says it has prevented a “diversionary reconnaissance” group from breaching the border from Ukraine.

Ukraine – Russia crisis: Satellite images show more Russian troops at border • FRANCE 24 English

Satellite images show new deployments of Russian troops and military equipment near the Ukrainian border. #Russia #Ukraine #Putin

Ukraine Officials Come Under Shelling Attack on Eastern Front

Meanwhile, separatist leaders in eastern Ukraine order a full military mobilization amid a spike of violence in the region citing an ‘immediate threat of aggression’ from Ukrainian forces Top Ukrainian military officials came under a shelling attack during a tour of the front of the separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine. The officials fled to aContinue reading “Ukraine Officials Come Under Shelling Attack on Eastern Front”

Let’s talk about Ukraine warming up

Russian media reporting ‘thwarted terror attack’ in Donbas

Russian-backed separatists claimed that Ukraine’s Defense Ministry could have organized the alleged attempted attack. The Russian TASS news site reported that an attempted terrorist attack had been thwarted in Luhansk, a city controlled by pro-Russian separatists in the disputed Donbas region, on Tuesday, amid continuing concerns of a possible Russian invasion into Ukraine. The report claimed thatContinue reading “Russian media reporting ‘thwarted terror attack’ in Donbas”

Senior U.S. military officials arrive in Poland – CBS News

Senior U.S. military officials arrived in Poland on Saturday amid Russia’s buildup of troops along Ukraine’s border. Meanwhile, American troops are also in Germany and heading to the region to support NATO allies. CBS News correspondent Christina Ruffini reports from the White House and CBS News intelligence and national security reporter Olivia Gazis joins CBSContinue reading “Senior U.S. military officials arrive in Poland – CBS News”

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