Dr. Bernice King: I Think It’s Time For Massive Civil Disobedience, Noncooperation With Evil – MSNBC

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy is remembered by his daughter Dr. Bernice King, who discusses how many leading GOP leaders misrepresent the meaning of the civil rights icon’s message to justify policies that are antithetical to his vision.

The Cold War: Crash Course US History #37

In which John Green teaches you about the Cold War, the decades long conflict between the USA and the USSR. The Cold War was called cold because of the lack of actual fighting, but this is inaccurate. There was plenty of fighting, from Korea to Viet Nam to Afghanistan, but we’ll get into that stuffContinue reading “The Cold War: Crash Course US History #37”

Let’s talk about not talking about race – Beau of the Fifth Column

George HW Bush and the End of the Cold War: Crash Course US History #44

In which John Green teaches you about the end of the Cold War and the presidency of George H.W. Bush. It was neither the best of times, nor the worst of times. On the domestic front, the first president Bush inherited the relative prosperity of the later Reagan years, and watched that prosperity evaporate. ThatContinue reading “George HW Bush and the End of the Cold War: Crash Course US History #44”

The Reagan Revolution: Crash Course US History #43

In which John Green teaches you about what is often called the Reagan Era. Mainly, it covers the eight years during which a former actor who had also been governor of the state of California was president of the United States. John will teach you about Reagan’s election victory over the hapless Jimmy Carter, taxContinue reading “The Reagan Revolution: Crash Course US History #43”

Doctors, Clergy Sue Over New Texas Law That Offers $10,000 Bounty on Abortions

If the suit fails, the new law will go into effect September 1st Starting September 1st, the state of Texas is offering a $10,000 bounty to any private citizen willing to sue another person who, in some way, helped make an abortion possible. The potential list of targets for such lawsuits is endless: from aContinue reading “Doctors, Clergy Sue Over New Texas Law That Offers $10,000 Bounty on Abortions”

Trump’s Favorite Economist Just Said Minorities ‘Aren’t Worth $15 an Hour’

Art Laffer is the brains behind “trickle down” economics. Arguably the most important conservative economist of the last 50 years went on television on Tuesday to argue that the poor, people of color, and other marginalized people aren’t “worth” $15 an hour. Art Laffer, an economist in the Reagan White House, appeared on Fox NewsContinue reading “Trump’s Favorite Economist Just Said Minorities ‘Aren’t Worth $15 an Hour’”

Neoliberalism | US Political Polarization – The Cynical Historian

Neoliberalism is why we’ve become so unequal over the course of this party system. As a result, the US is more divided politically than most of us can remember. Characteristics that unify neoliberals are: -emphasis of individuality and rejection of groups -market liberalism and fiscal conservatism (which are kinda the same thing) -privatization of publicContinue reading “Neoliberalism | US Political Polarization – The Cynical Historian”

Europe in the Global Age: Crash Course European History #48

In which John looks at what it even means to live in a global age, as we’ve been talking about Europe’s role in the global community for 47 episodes now. But, pedantry aside, the world is more connected than ever, and that has had effects in Europe. Today we’ll investigate how trade, communications, and diseaseContinue reading “Europe in the Global Age: Crash Course European History #48”

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