Youngkin to nominate former Trump EPA administrator Wheeler to Virginia Cabinet

Virginia Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin (R) will name former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler as Virginia’s secretary of natural resources, a staffer with Youngkin’s transition team confirmed to The Hill Wednesday. Wheeler, a former energy industry lobbyist, served as EPA chief during the Trump administration from 2019 to 2021. Since leaving the position, he has worked as a visitingContinue reading “Youngkin to nominate former Trump EPA administrator Wheeler to Virginia Cabinet”

Schumer vows vote on Biden’s $1.75 trillion bill despite Manchin’s rejection

The U.S. Senate will vote early next year on President Joe Biden’s sweeping $1.75 trillion policy bill as well as on voting rights, the chamber’s top Democrat said on Monday, despite conservative Democratic Senator Joe Manchin’s opposition. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer unveiled plans for both votes on Monday, the day after Manchin — who has stood asContinue reading “Schumer vows vote on Biden’s $1.75 trillion bill despite Manchin’s rejection”

Anti-coal protesters shut down world’s largest coal port

A sustained protest movement by Blockade Australia has shut down export operations at the Port of Newcastle, the world’s largest coal port. On Wednesday, two anti-coal protesters from Blockade Australia shut down coal export operations at the Port of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. This is a continuation of a sustained protest movement against theContinue reading “Anti-coal protesters shut down world’s largest coal port”

Australia lobbied Unesco to remove reference to 1.5C global warming limit to protect heritage sites

Environment campaigners say the Morrison government’s attempt to remove the reference to 1.5C is ‘hugely significant’ and ‘bewildering’ Australia is trying to block a UN recommendation that countries should try to keep global heating to 1.5C to protect world heritage sites from the impacts of the climate crisis. The Morrison government has also told Unesco major decisionsContinue reading “Australia lobbied Unesco to remove reference to 1.5C global warming limit to protect heritage sites”

Earth has 11 years to cut emissions to avoid dire climate scenarios, a report says

The current rate of greenhouse gas pollution is so high that Earth has about 11 years to rein in emissions if countries want to avoid the worst damage from climate change in the future, a new study concludes. Despite dipping in 2020 because of the global pandemic, greenhouse gas emissions are on track to returnContinue reading “Earth has 11 years to cut emissions to avoid dire climate scenarios, a report says”

COP26: Protesters worldwide demand action on climate crisis

Amid COP26 talks, more than 200 events worldwide demand action for communities already affected by climate change. Protests are under way for a second day in cities around the world as part of a global mobilisation against what campaigners say is a lack of urgency to address global warming at a crunch United Nations climate summit inContinue reading “COP26: Protesters worldwide demand action on climate crisis”

Flights cancelled, schools closed as China fights new COVID-19 outbreak

Authorities in China cancelled hundreds of flights, closed schools and ramped up mass testing on Thursday (Oct 21) to try and stamp out a new COVID-19 outbreak linked to a group of tourists. Beijing has maintained a relentless zero-COVID approach with strict border closures and targeted lockdowns, even as other countries tentatively try to easeContinue reading “Flights cancelled, schools closed as China fights new COVID-19 outbreak”

Joe Manchin Threatens To Leave The Democratic Party According To Report – The Rational National

According to a new report, Senator Joe Manchin is threatening to leave the Democratic Party.

Let’s talk about Manchin selling out coal miners – Beau of the Fifth Column

Sen. Manchin Said To Oppose Key Climate Provision In Budget Bill – MSNBC

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va., has told the White House he opposes the clean electricity program, according to sources, and Manchin’s vote is key to the bill passing. The Morning Joe panel discusses.

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