Inequality – How wealth becomes power (1/3) – DW Documentary (2018)

Germany is one of the world’s richest countries, but inequality is on the rise. The wealthy are pulling ahead, while the poor are falling behind. For the middle classes, work is no longer a means of advancement. Instead, they are struggling to maintain their position and status. Young people today have less disposable income thanContinue reading “Inequality – How wealth becomes power (1/3) – DW Documentary (2018)”

Targeting Australia’s largest neo-Nazi group | 60 Minutes Australia

A joint investigation by 60 MINUTES, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald to infiltrate and expose a toxic and rotting world of hate. Reporter Nick McKenzie has been working on this clandestine operation for the past eight months. The threat is so significant Australia’s top spy, the director-general of ASIO has agreed to his firstContinue reading “Targeting Australia’s largest neo-Nazi group | 60 Minutes Australia”

The rich, the poor and the trash – DW Documentary (2018)

Inequality is growing. The rich consume much more than the poor and produce much more waste. Trash has become a symbol of our times. But what some people throw away, means money to others and a chance to survive. The amount of waste we generate and the way we deal with it speak volumes aboutContinue reading “The rich, the poor and the trash – DW Documentary (2018)”

Exposing Dirty Cops to the FBI | BETRAYING THE BADGE – VICE

A young, idealistic rookie for the West New York, NJ Police Department discovers a pattern of pervasive criminal behavior within his PD and decides to go undercover for the FBI.

KUPER ISLAND ~ Residential School Survivors Documentary

Residential schools, reconciliation added to curriculum for B.C. Up until now B.C. students didn’t typically learn about residential schools until Grade 11 social studies. But this fall, new curriculum material will be available for Grades 5, 10, 11 and 12. KUPER ISLAND: Return to the Healing Circle. Residential School Survivors. It was the Kuper IslandContinue reading “KUPER ISLAND ~ Residential School Survivors Documentary”

Let’s talk about the New York Times documentary about the 6th – Beau of the Fifth Column

Canada’s Dark Secret | Residential Schools – Al Jazeera

In 1996, the last residential school in Canada was closed down, bringing to light horrifying stories about the methods used to sever indigenous children from the influence of their families and to assimilate them into the dominant “Canadian” culture. Over more than a century, tens of thousands of families were torn apart as children wereContinue reading “Canada’s Dark Secret | Residential Schools – Al Jazeera”

Fact vs. fake – why don’t we trust science any more? | DW Documentary

Asbestos, climate change, 5G, coronavirus – the public is caught in a battle for the truth. Science is being manipulated and undermined to sway opinion and create doubt. What are the mechanisms behind it all? Never has scientific knowledge seemed so vast, detailed and widely shared. And yet it appears to be increasingly challenged. It’sContinue reading “Fact vs. fake – why don’t we trust science any more? | DW Documentary”

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